Unfortunately, modern day slavery is not a thing of the past. It’s happening now, all around us. Some victims might be refugees, others may have financial problems. Under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act, commercial organisations with an annual turnover of more than £36 million must prepare a statement every financial year and include what due diligence processes have been implemented to tackle modern slavery.
The provision of awareness training and educating the workforce is key to understanding and spotting the signs. Delivered by Jo Mills (HR & Training Consultant), our Modern Day Slavery awareness training provides an overview of the techniques human traffickers use to recruit their victims. It highlights those who are most vulnerable, discusses the signs to look out for and how to report any concerns. Jo can also carry out internal audits or audits of your supply chain to ensure ethical sourcing practices.
Jo is experienced in implementing practical steps to reduce the risk of exploitation. She has previously worked with the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA), a government agency whose role is to protect vulnerable and exploited workers and investigate reports of worker exploitation and illegal activity such as human trafficking, forced labour and illegal labour provision. Jo’s GLAA experience and Stronger Together Standards are at the heart of our Modern Day Slavery training we provide to protect vulnerable and exploited workers.
If your organisation would like to take steps in the fight against modern day slavery and you would like further information on our awareness training or auditing service, or would like assistance with modern day slavery policies in general, please get in touch on 01942 727200 and speak to a member of the team or email enquiries@employeemanagement.co.uk.