Isabelle came to the UK to study law and qualified in English and French Law. She then joined the St Helens Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and worked as an employment law caseworker and tribunal advocate for a number of years. Whilst at the CAB, she completed her Legal Practice Course (LPC) before making the leap to HR Consultancy. Isabelle is a qualified Chartered Legal Executive (CILEx Fellow).
As HR Consultant and Tribunal Advocate, Isabelle provides the type of pragmatic and commercially focused HR and legal advice that EML is renowned for and aims to supports clients in achieving their desired objectives in a way that manages the risks appropriately. Despite her strong legal background, Isabelle steers clear of obscure legal jargon and particularly enjoys the technical challenges that come with supporting clients in complex areas such as TUPE, minimum wage, holiday pay and employment status.
Isabelle is qualified in Interpersonal Mediation and can deliver accredited mediation services to our clients with a view to resolving conflict quickly and effectively. She is also a Trustee for Halton CAB.
Outside of work, Isabelle enjoys family time with her husband, 4 children and furry pets. She is also busy supporting her eldest in developing a judo competition career that she could not have! Isabelle enjoys a trip to the theatre and loves to travel. She is a keen skier and takes the family skiing to France every year.
Fun fact: Isabelle and her husband are an Indian/French family who both came to the UK to study in 2003 and never left!