With restrictions easing and the rise in the number of people being double vaccinated, discussions around returning to the workplace have been high on the agenda for many business owners over the past few months. However, these discussions are not straightforward and can involve some quite divisive opinions.
The thought of returning to the workplace and mingling with large crowds is making some people feel anxious and uncomfortable. However, on the opposite side there are many who feel it is time to return to “normal” and who can’t wait to get back to the office, and continue with life as we knew it..
Who is right?
The truth is it’s nobody’s place to judge how a person is feeling regarding the pandemic and how they should handle the easing of restrictions. As an employer this can give rise to challenges in terms of ensuring that employees who are more cautious don’t feel uncomfortable or discriminated against.
Many employers are giving consideration to whether or not to keep large office spaces, allow everybody to work from home or adopt a hybrid working model. These decisions take time and must be well thought out to consider the needs of all members of staff.
The return to the workplace needs to be carefully thought through as it has the potential to become a much bigger issue, and consideration of the impact on employees’ mental health should be taken into account.
An additional challenge that employers will face over the coming months relates to work Christmas celebrations – should certain employees be missing out as a result of feeling uneasy when mixing in large groups?
There are many things to consider, so if you are struggling to know what is the right thing to do, get in touch today to discuss further.