Whilst you may have been inundated with emails explaining the new rules around GDPR and your inclusion on every mailing list you ever signed up for, in preparation for the implementation of the GDPR on Friday, we have been working with our clients to meet the requirements of the new legislation. In particular, we have supported clients in preparing the following documents:
1. Data Protection Policy
2. Subject Access Request Policy
3. Record Retention Policy
4. Criminal Record Information Policy
5. Amendments to policies and procedures in relation to recording information
6. Data Privacy Statement (Employees) & Cover letter
7. Data Privacy Statement (Applicants)
How these documents should be used:
1. Policies
We’ll work with you to ensure that these policies are tailored to reflect your particular practices and procedures by ensuring that they are reflective of the personal data you collect, the methods by which you collect it and any third parties you share it with. Once finalised, they can be incorporated into your Employee Handbook and/or other relevant manuals.
2. Data Privacy Statement (Employee)
With regard to the Data Privacy Statement (Employee), this will need to be distributed to all current employees, workers, agency workers, casuals, self-employed consultants etc. prior to 25th May. For all new employees, the notice should be provided at the time that the personal information is collected. This could be when you are sending out new starter documents (e.g. offer letter, contract, personal details form) or during the induction, if this is when the information is collected. You will need to build this into the process for new employees in the same way that you conduct right to work checks.
3. Data Privacy Statement (Applicants)
The Privacy Statement (Applicants) should be given to any person who provides personal details in connection with employment, whether by responding to an advertisement or forwarding a speculative CV. Again, this should be provided at the time that the information is collected. If information is received from a third party (e.g. a job website), you should provide the statement within a reasonable period after receiving the data or at the time of the first communication with the individual if this is sooner.
If you already have this in hand, excellent and well done!
If not, we can help put these documents together for you, thereby assisting with your compliance with the new legislation. Just contact us via our website enquiry form or by calling us on 01942 727200.