Event Description
With the continuing challenges of COVID-19, many employers may find themselves planning redundancies for the first time.
Whilst redundancy is a potentially fair reason for dismissal, it can be found unfair if the employer doesn’t follow the correct procedure. Any redundancy dismissal in the workplace can give rise to a successful unfair dismissal claim if not managed correctly.
To ensure your business provides a compliant redundancy process, why not join our live classroom with EML’s Litigation Consultant and Employment Law expert Cheryl Moolenschot, as she discusses everything you need to know about redundancy, including:
- Definition of Redundancy
- Selection Pools
- Selection Criteria & Scoring
- Individual & Collective Consultation
- Appropriate Representatives
- Alternative Employment
- Bumping
To register your FREE place, please visit our Eventbrite page.
Please note: Registered participants will be reviewed prior to the event and we reserve the right to make a final decision on their attendance.